Had to donate 12 thousand rupees online, the person accidentally pressed the wrong number, then something like this happened, luck changed!

Had to donate 12 thousand rupees online, the person accidentally pressed the wrong number, then something like this happened, luck changed!

Donating is an act of virtue. Often, donating to the needy not only helps them but the person who donates also feels better about himself. In this way he contributes to the society. But a person donates according to his capacity. However, many times such a mistake is made while donating that people regret why they donated at all! The same thing happened with an American man, who donated so much money by mistake (Man made wrong donation), that by the time he realized, the money had already been deducted.

There is a group on the social media platform Reddit called r/tifu. A few months ago on this group, a person told about his strange experience, knowing which you also need to be alert. The man said that both he and his wife are 31 years old and they had shifted to a new apartment in San Francisco, USA. A 70-year-old retired soldier used to live next to his house, who believed in Sanatma Dharma and used to donate to Bangladesh. The person felt that he would also donate.

TIFU by donating $15,041 to a poor community in Bangladesh instead of the $150 donation I intended.
byu/lazybear90 inTifu

made up my mind to donate
He asked the soldier for a link to the GoFund Me website, through which he used to donate money to Bangladesh through crowd funding. The next day when the person went to the office, he donated 150 dollars (12 thousand rupees) and then started his work. Suddenly he got a message from his credit card holder that a donation of $15,041 (Rs 12 lakh) had been made from his account. As soon as he read this, the ground slipped under his feet. He was surprised how this happened. He opened the website again and started repeating his action.

The person was provided food and drinks to the people in Bangladesh through donations, and his photo was also taken by holding a poster of thanks to the people. (Photo: imgur)

The person made a big mistake
Only then did he understand that the PIN of his credit card starts with 41. When the cursor of the computer is on the box containing money, only then will it start entering the PIN of the card. In this way, by mistake, instead of the card box, 15041 was typed in the rupee box. He immediately called the customer support of the Go Fund Me site and asked for help. He said that people often make such mistakes and he will return the remaining money in 7 to 10 days. He asked whether it would be so that until his money was returned, it would appear along with his name in the donation list. So the man said that this will happen. Hearing this, the person started feeling ashamed, because after taking so much money he would donate only Rs 150. He decided that the next day, he would also go and tell the soldier about this incident.

Michael donated 1500 dollars
When he woke up the next morning, he saw on Facebook that he had received dozens of notifications. Some man sent him a friend request and also liked his post. The man sent him several pictures on message, in which poor people were seen thanking the man with posters in their hands. His name was written on the poster as Michael. Different types of poor Bangladeshis were thanking Michael for his donation. Seeing this his heart was filled with joy. So he decided that he would donate 1500 dollars instead of 150. The manager of the fund said that even this much money will prove to be very helpful for the flood affected people there. In this way Michael’s luck changed and he also did a noble deed.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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